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Generation Nine: Chester Brown "CB" Teed

Chester B. Teed
Born: June 23, 1867
Died: October, 1944
Married: Minnie Finch on September 15, 1886, Wednesday, 11:00 am.

Children of Chester B. Teed and Minnie Finch 1:

  • Lena J., born December 24, 1887 at Trout Creek, N.Y. Married Frank J. Niles.
  • Carrie, born May 29, 1889, at Arctic, N.Y. Married William H. Jacobs.
  • Evangeline, born January 14, 1893, at Arctic, N.Y. Married Fred Sherwood.
  • John, Born 1894. Died age 1 year, 5 months.
  • Earl, Born November 29, 1896, at Arctic, N.Y. Married Isabel Nichols.

The following information was written by Lena J. (Teed) Niles prior to her death:

The ancestors of Chester B. Teed had been amoung the first settlers in the Trout Creek N.Y. Valley, and included mill owners, storekeepers and farmers.

For the first year after their marriage, Chester rented his father's farm. The next year, he purchased a large farm midway between Deposit and Bainbridge, on the divide between the Delaware and Susquehanna Rivers, where they lived for 17 years. They sold this place and moved back to Trout Creek, where they ran a grocery store for several years and took over his father's farm. Chester continued to deal in cattle, and finally moved to Unadilla, where he had corrals and held sales of horses brought in from the west. He also held horse sales in nearby counties.

They eventually removed to Sidney where they lived for several years, then moving back to Trout Creek to the Jacobs house. Later he purchased part of his father's farm after his father died. Chester became quite a wealthy man, until the depression of the early 1930's, when he lost a lot in foreign bonds and other securities which became worthless.

Minnie was a great helpmate to her husband, when on the farm, she washed the milking utensils, milked 10-11 cows every night and morning (no milking machines then), boarded 2 men, did farm chores, like feeding grain and hay from the mow when Chester was away buying cattle, and raked hay until her oldest dau. was big enough to rake. Minnie was an excellent housekeeper, and brought her children up well. She patched, and mended, and baked. People often stopped to visit, and eat, or remained overnight.

Chester liked to joke and was quite a visitor in his younger days. He was known to be very shrewd in his business dealings. Minnie had a very pleasing personality.


1 Source:  Lena J. (Teed) Niles.

Last Updated: January 14, 2015

Copyright 2020 by Stanley J. Niles